Monday, June 13, 2011

What a weekend

So far this summer I haven't had a horrible weekend, I guess unless you count in the fact my car no longer works, but I'm getting a new, old one YAY!  This weekend was great!  Nick's birthday was on Friday night and we tried out the new Sgt Prestons....Republic....Nice place if you want to chill, have a sophisticated conversation, and try some really good beers.  However, we were in dancing mode so we made our way to Legends and made it our own party.  Had a lot of good drinks with friends and some awesome dancing!  Saturday it was a chill day by the pool did some grilling and had some drinks and played games.  Overall a great night except for having to wake up at 9:30 AM to let my aunt show the house which meant everything had to be cleaned.  But went back to bed until 2:00 PM.  And then for Sunday I had one of the best days I have had in a while.  I got to spend it with someone that has my current interest.  Had some Chinese food on the couch and watched movies the entire afternoon.  It was a completely awesome day and some fun that I haven't had in a while.  However, it did suck because pretty positive I got maybe an hour of sleep and then worked from 6:30 AM-3:00 PM, played 6 games of volleyball and then by the time I got home it was 10:00.  Now I'm showered, had some fruit for dinner, took some allergy medicine to hopefully get rid of the horrible allergies I've experienced all day and get some sleep before work again.  I'm really looking forward to the days and weeks ahead with my good friends and some really awesome new ones.  Things might be looking up for myself. 

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