Sunday, February 20, 2011

Making a Change

It's amazing how some people that you let into your life will just never see things from another person's perspective or ever attempt to try to understand another position because the one important position to them is their own.  I've always been a very giving person whether it's to strangers, friends, family, or significant others.  It's a mistake and yet something that I feel is a good quality to have.  It hurts at times to be that way because it is a lot easier to be taken advantage of.  Tonight was an eye opener and actually this weekend was.  Between being yelled at about not communicating my thoughts or feelings by someone too drunk to even know what's going on in the world and dealing with another person who just can't wrap their head around taking the words that I say and following them.  I don't know what I do to make the ones that I don't want to be with want to be with me.  I just want something normal in my life and I want my life to be back to where I was a year ago.  Independence to me is the most important part of my life and I want it completely back and I don't want to have to feel like I need to worry about someone else's feelings.  Starting tomorrow it's a whole new day.  A day where I leave the past behind me, the future bright in front of me.  I need only positive things and people in my life.  I need to make this happen for myself or it never will.  I can't hold anyone else accountable for my happiness, "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."  And in the words of Andy Grammar there are only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, it's a circle that will come around but you have to keep your head up.

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