Monday, December 19, 2011


Blessings by Laura Story is one of the most amazing songs I have heard in a while.  It reminds me that everything will be alright in the end and that we need to take the bad because it may lead to something good. 
I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.  My family has always been there even though we have had our differences.  My sister and brother are finally becoming some of my best friends and it makes me extremely happy.  I have an amazing roommate who has been there through the laughs and the tears.  I now have a new person in my life for the past six months, who from the beginning has been one of my biggest fans and one of the biggest supports in my life.  He is the most amazing person I have met and I definitely don't tell him that enough.  He has been the one person who makes me feel loved and makes me feel secure and I know that I can trust him and that he trusts me.  My boyfriend is the one person in the past six months who has been there for me through everything and whenever I need him.  It is so weird to have the support that he has given me and it is something I am not used to experiencing with any of my past relationships.  As I am going through changes in my life I know that all of these people will be there for me and it is something that I thank God for because he has been there for me since the beginning.  I do the things I do for those that help me because I want to help them and make them proud of me. 

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